It's my first year in Grenoble too, so I don't know many places, but there are a park with a tower that I already see when I go to the university with the tram C, between "Chavant" and "Hotel de ville". That's why I wanted to know, as an history student, what was it goal.
It's the Tower Perret, high from 83 meters, built in 1924 by the Perret's brothers for the universal exposition. For the inauguration, approximatively one million visitors were in the park to visit the tower and the other buildings in the park (when there was 80 000 people living in Grenoble). It's built in the middle of a park Mistral, where it's possible to walk, to jog, to look at this tower full of history. In the park there are a river, an animal park,.It goal was to overhang the city, to observe and to found your way. She was used too for the radio.
In 1998 she had been classified like historical monument, and now she isn't in good condition to be open to the public, because it could be dangerous.